Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Against My Will"

Rape is an act of violence that affects woman from all cultures and in all ages. Many men believe that "no" really means "yes" and neglect the suffereing that his victims goes through before, while and after a rape. Woman force to have intercourse agains their will are left wil feelings of shame, quilt, and violation. Rape happens in all cultures and in many different forms, it can occur by force and without force. Many woman who are rape without force fear for their lives or for the lives of their loved ones if they resist in any way to their rapist's demands. Unfortunately, courts today view rape to be valid only if force has been used, if their is no evidence of physical force then the rape is dismissed. Posted by Martha Dudinetz on July 13th, 2008 at 6:44 pm

Friday, July 11, 2008

I heard Voices

I can't imagine looking at my baby girl and thinking that she would be better of being dead. I see that child as a little piece of myself, who I am and what I stand for. I would want to do all in power to prptect her from all harm and sufferring. Yet today there an alarming report of mothers who kill their children under the belief that it is what is best for them. They claim to hear voices telling them to commit the act or they simply feel disattachment to the child and believe that it's in their right to do whatever they want to the child. I can't igamine what thoughts or feelings run through a woman's mind before and after killing her child. Severe child abuse or mental illness are said to be the cause of such murders and as much I don't want to judge what I don't understand, I find it rather difficult not to.